Thursday, September 18, 2014

Why I teach--

This photo from 2002, my last year in a face to face classroom --
Juniors and seniors in high school aspiring to become teachers--
Presenting at the State of Ohio Technology Conference--

The seniors shared their 2 week summer experience for elementary students that they had designed, planned and taught the previous summer.

The juniors held a live video conference session as part of an ongoing collaboration with Josh Baron from Marist College who was supporting their own planning for their upcoming summer camp.

And I--  I was in the audience experiencing the joy that comes from observing learners spreading their wings and flying, being
in the “helping folks realize they can do things they didn't think they could” business. --Bud Hunt (Thanks so much Bud for helping me articulate why I teach)
In the same business in online spaces since that photo-- with educators and adult learners-- opening doors to possibilities.

Why I teach---


Anonymous said...

Hi Lani,
I love the fact that your post is not about you, and that you're not in the photo, when clearly you are at the centre of these things. Great perspective expressed simply and powerfully.

Lani Ritter Hall said...

I guess I've felt for a good whike that a focus on others/learners and a sincere belief in their capacity for growth almost always leads to remarkable experiences.

Thanks for highlighting that--