Wednesday, February 27, 2013

One year later--

This is a screen capture of the live feed of our town square running this morning on

It's one year today since a terrible tragedy befell our small town. A 17 year old shot and killed 3 students in the cafeteria of our local high school and wounded 3 others.

The community and the students of Chardon lived the "one heartbeat" slogan that became the mantra for healing and red/black ribbons (colors of the high school) were everywhere.

Yesterday the now 18 year old young man responsible for this death and pain pled guilty to all charges thus averting a painful and long trial. And last night the high school band and orchestra played a memorial concert for the community to give back for all that had been given to them.

Today the students will be involved in service projects of their choosing. From the beginning they have been all about supporting each other and the community. And they will participate in a  collective walk to the square as they did one year ago when they walked from the square to the high school to enter the building for the first time after the tragedy.

The generosity of people from across the nation who contributed to the Chardon Healing Fund will continue to support all those in need as they continue to move forward from that difficult day.

The resilience, the strength and courage, and the humanity of Chardon students, of  staff of Chardon Schools and of parents shines brightly today as the TV cameras once again invade our town. That light will continue long after they are gone and nurture the ongoing healing process.

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