Sunday, November 21, 2010

An appreciative vision -- Blogging for Real Educational Reform

Just imagine--

A nation in which stakeholders come to appreciate all the best that can be found in education today

And upon those stories, create a vision and design for public education that--

Adopts a strengths based paradigm for learners and educators--

Shies from competition and strives for collaboration--

Believes its teachers are caring, compassionate, and competent and possess the vitality and desire to create a better world for their students--

Encourages authentic collegial collaboration among educators during which they connect and collaborate as they seek a more accomplished global practice as autonomous, open, self directed learners--

Recognizes the potential of the diversity of this great nation and its role in enhancing our ability to imagine, to create, to innovate in distinct ways by allowing states and regions to develop and create lean standards that best enable the learning of their children--

Believes in the resilience, the capacity, the potential of all students to learn--

Respects and celebrates the developmental stages of all learners--

Prepares its students for the future with global competencies and new literacies that can help them meet the challenges of living in a participatory culture--

Creates spaces and conditions for learning for students in which they inquire, ask questions, seek answers, connect, collaborate and take collective action for issues about which they are passionate--

Encourages authentic assessments as learning--

Invites parents as partners into the learning process--

Invokes appreciative inquiry in the ongoing quest for autonomous, open, distributed, connected, authentic learning--

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