Sunday, March 27, 2011

Where we should be going--

Play and experiment
Blackline worksheets

Create and reflect
Scripted direct instruction

Tinker and build
Bubble in the answer

An architectural studio for learning
Open, full of critiquing
Traditional classrooms
Closed, one right answer

A vision of what can be
What exists in many places in reality

John Seely Brown from 2008-- 3 years ago
A star to guide us

This notion of tinkering and an architectural studio although not new, if adopted can alter learning for us all.

Imagine an environment that is open and public, where all works in progress are done in public, where the struggles of all are transparent, where eveyone learns from each other and constructs knowledge together, where technology affords distributed communities of practice, global architectural studios, tinkering, creating, remixing--

But as LeVar Burton used to say, you don't have to take my word for it---

We need to remember this, revisit this often, aspire for this, and create these conditions in all of our classrooms. Don't our children deserve the opportunity to tinker, to learn from each other's struggles and successes? Isn't this where we should be going? Imagine the possibilities--