Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Canceled but still going!

originally uploaded by lanihall.
Here we are at the Schoolnet Conference and our workshop is canceled! The workstations all have viruses. Isn't technology grand! We're canceled but the committed sardines are still here!

Friday, February 11, 2005

Important considerations for teacher bloggers!

Will Richardson's blog today has important considerations for safety for teacher bloggers!

View it here.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Remembering the power!

originally uploaded by lanihall.
As I get ready to travel to Collumbus for the SchoolNet conference, I ran across this picture which brought back so many memories. Middle school students, one computer to a classroom, teachers working valiantly to integrate technology into the curriculum despite tremendous challenges. I would visit classrooms and see the power of technology pull students into learning! Surrounded in their everyday lives by technology, but so little access to use it as a tool for learning in school. What a disconnect! The conference is exciting but the teachers there return to districts struggling to survive financially with few and/or outdated resources. Hopefully the workshop will be able to impact some children's learning in a positive way.

2 Cents Worth is worth lots more

I have been familiar with Darvid Warlick's work for many years. I used to introduce teachers to the Glcbal Grocery List project many years ago. I am pulled to his blog on a daily basis also. He has inspired much of the upcoming workshop I'll be giving. His vision and "story" are ones that can transform American public education.

The Read Write Web

Will Richardson's blog is great reading. His term "read-write" web and its implications for active student learning, his enthusiasm for learning, his humility, and his insight pull me to his blog daily. Oh that I had had the luxury of time to read his work in these last years; perhaps I might have been able to introduce my students to this tool for learning.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Discussions on Black History Month

Originally uploaded by lanihall.
Recently, there have been discussions on some of the listservs I read concerning "Black History Month."

Should a month be set aside? Should the history we teach be inclusive all year round?

Perhaps this image says it best!